Birth of ARNTZ.NET
The domain ARNTZ.NET has been registered today! With this important “birth” a new time has come for all Arntz on the Internet. Get connected!
This website will be used as a repository for all Arntz related information. If your name is Arntz or you know somebody by that name, please let us know and help us to collect all Arntz information!
In case you didn’t find the info you were looking for, we urge you to leave a reply below with your questions and/or suggestions, so we can add it for you as soon as possible.
Just curious, because I cannot find the origin of the name. I know my dads grandfather came from a small town close the border of the Dutch village of Millingen aan de Rijn.
Arntz is my Surname
Glad you find us Symone! More information about the origin of the name Arntz can be found by clicking on Etymology in the menu. Thanks for your visit and contribution!
Arntz is my Surname
Many Arntz have their origin in Millingen aan de Rijn (Netherlands). There are at least four branches mentioned in the 17th century. If you can tell us the name of your dads grandfather we can try to find some more information.
Arntz is my Surname